Private & Professional
Counseling Solutions
Highland Park Counseling Center
47 Raritan Ave, 2nd Fl., Highland Park, NJ 08904

Counseling Services

Counseling Services in Highland Park, NJ

Highland Park Counseling Center in Highland Park, New Jersey, offers a variety of counseling sessions to meet the needs of your emotional well-being.
I'm Susan Kunkel, L.C.S.W., and I offer confidential counseling services to assist you through especially difficult periods in life, and specialize in a wide variety of areas, including:
  • Cognitive Behavior Approaches
  • Understanding Family Dynamics
  • Loss/Grief
  • E.M.D.R. Treatments
  • Relaxation Techniques
Anxiety-related issues are often caused by life's everyday stressors, as well as depression. To gain a better understanding of your specific anxiety issues, I utilize E.M.D.R. treatment techniques, and take a cognitive behavior approach to reduce your overall anxiety symptoms during your individual counseling sessions.
Women - counseling center in Highland Oark, NJ
Post-Traumatic Stress
I have been working with post-traumatic stress identification and treatments since 1987. PTSD can be caused by mild to moderate stressors in everyday life, as well as serious life-altering events, such as emotional, verbal, physical, sexual abuse, natural disasters, or car accidents.
Academic & Behavioral Issues
When attempting to reduce behavioral issues in a school or work environment, it is essential to deeply understand the emotional difficulties that are compromising your child, teen, or young adult. In order to improve these emotional and behavioral issues, they must be identified as soon as possible. All too often, these disorders go undiagnosed and untreated, causing lifelong struggles.

Often, if a child/teenager/ adult struggles academically, a learning disability or ADD/ADHD has not been diagnosed. It is important to ensure a student is diagnosed or evaluated as early as possible to facilitate improved learning and treat emotional difficulties. Often emotional issues such as low self esteem or low self concept can go hand in hand with learning disabilities. It is also essential to educate and treat the families of children with learning challenges to cope with the day to day struggles which face individual and families.
When needed I often work with your medical doctor or a psychiatrist if we feel medication would be helpful on a temporary or permanent basis. It is important to know that research has shown progress & recovery can be contributed by 50% therapy and 50% medication.
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